Thursday, January 11, 2007

Provisional drawing of TAC trolley

Sketched out by Liz, Sian and Paula
This drawing is provisional, we just need to get something done to look at before Saturday's meeting. I hope yopu can see the little notes with the details of what is what.
We have dicussed beginning construction on Sunday 14 Jan and Sian's partner has offered to build it. Anyone keen to help (you're all needed!) is welcome to join in at Sian's place in Naenae on Sunday. More details at the meeting.
The essence of time's passing nature has occured to me...I'm sure i'm not alone on that.



Andrea said...

Trolley drawing looks great! What's the umbrella for?
I'm really sorry I can't make it to the building session on sunday-I'm working,and can't get out of it since I'm supervisor, d'oh! :'-(
see you saturday

Andrea said...

Trolley drawing looks great! What's the umbrella for?
I'm really sorry I can't make it to the building session on sunday-I'm working,and can't get out of it since I'm supervisor, d'oh! :'-(
see you saturday

Andrea said...

oops posted that twice!