Monday, April 28, 2008

Meeting minutes 24/4/08

From memory:

Lets get the Clubs exchange project moving. Tom and Liz (and now Paula too) are in Melbourne in May so lets hook up with Andie and have a meeting and then go talk to Clubs.

Liz to email Enjoy and investigate support options, Tom to email Andie and suss out who to contact (is that right? or was it Mel - i have forgotten).

Conversation as to the possibilities of project revolved around a poster idea, in keeping with resource form and providing a description of the transition from individual to group mentality.

Monday, April 21, 2008

100 posts!

I want one of these!!
That last post brought our tally up to 100 and what with a wellington association meeting planned for later this week I thought a celebration was in order. Here's an image I came across on the web which tickled my collaborative imagining fancy. It's the work of a Melbourne based collab. duo by the name of A Constructed World and the image caption runs as:
Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities, Foundation Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Turin