Thursday, March 29, 2007

Question Ideas & Meeting Minutes - 29/3/07

The upshot of the meeting was back to Collaborative Kit research, starting by formulating some questions to ask those interested and involved in collaborative processes. This is intended to give us a better idea of potential content and an understanding of who might use a resource on collaborative processes. See comments for partially edited meeting minutes where we threw these ideas around and as a repositary for your contributions & question ideas.
And after a frustrating attempt to chat between 5 people in googleland it's back to the drawing board on how to talk online!
- LIz


The Association of Collaboration said...

Present: Sian, Andie, Liz + Mel
Sian: so what do we wanna sort out tonight? I reckon it is whether we wanna do the proposal cos not it's pretty soon adn we dont have a firm idea of what we wanna do....and if not what is the next step
Liz:I think we could sort out some kind of process for getting decisions made and conversations held that works a bit faster too -
Sian:this is a good way to have a conversation n est pas?
I mean isn't it? S
Liz: thanks sian me no speaka the franka
Andie: yea, i think i tried to ignore the 'globalization' aspect of the brief because it's not really my bag either, but i think it's pretty central to the whole festival thing, thats not what we're about and so, NAH
oui the online chat c'est super
i think we need to give ourselves more time to discuss our projects
Liz: its not so much that we need to work to (sian just said globalisation = cultural monochrome!!!!) a cuatorial brief but also that we didnt have enough time to get an idea working
Andie: talking about next wave has been a good lesson in this
me: so what are the thoughts about going back to our roots as it were and all investigating some different models of collaboration and using that as a basis for which direction to move forward in next?
Andie: yea, i mean there's always going to be the danger of rushing and making last minute decisions but its not the way we work
Andie: sounds good-is this with the kit in mind?
Sian: Yeah I reckon, we are getting good resources to work on like with the room sheets etc and if we looked at how else other people are working then we could maybe get a grounding ?
Andie: and how do you suppose we investigate different models of collaboration? asking questions of other collaborative groups?
we've always talked about making a kit, but can we talk a little more about what we percieve the use of this kit being? who will want to use it etc?
Sian: My idea was that we should yes talk to other groups who use different models like community groups or whoever we can think of and then we can collate that info. It's something we could do all on our ownsomes in our seperate parts of the worls too which would be good x
Liz: other artists and people self organising around alternative models
Sian: I think in a way it is like an artists book and so if it goes into glaleries then it will be used by artists galleries etc etc but otherwise we could market it and so reach other people?Or we could have a website which is called something about collaboration so people would fin it that way and have it downloadable as a pdf wider reach?
Liz:maybe part of the start of the project is trying to find out who would be interested?
Andie: great!
link to wikepedia etc
liz: I think there are heaps of community groups who have alot on their plate trying to deal with day to day workload who could benmefit from research into new processes or old ones relived
Andie: definitely
Sian: Also i know that at work there is a lot of confusion with artists over what the heck collaboration is and how it works etc so I reckon it could be useful in that way too. Art schools, high schools, art groups?!
Andie: sounds like it could be a collaborative revolution!

Andie: so i guess we cant really discuss too much without the others present, but maybe if we each work on researching collaborative groups and get together again soon +/or post our results
Liz: yeah so research is good - any ideas on people in melbourne to talk with?
Andie: plenty of collectives at uni- there's a food co-operative, there's an environmental collective, although i'm kind of avoiding both groups at the moment because i used to be a member but then i got really over commited and stopped coming to meetings etc - cool
but i reckon theyd be pretty forgiving
Liz: lets hope so!!!
Andie: i've got a friend who works for an employment union
Sian: of course they will dear, they are sweet hippies they love everyone especially when you come back into the fold x S
Andie: then there are plenty of ARIs, run by committees, could be interesting to ask questions of them/sit in on their meetings
Sian: I am going to an opening with a friend on Friday who used to be relaly involved with all the anarchist stuff in welly so that coudl be good. And maybe talk to Thisle Hall about how they run I reckon. And the Word Collective could be good.
I'm also interested to look at different cultural models, so I will tlak with friend who have been involved with Marae decision making x S
Andie: hahaha help!
yes i'll talk to my sister too
Liz: would be good to see how creative art institutions are being with their organisation eh
Andie: yea, especially since art policy means only the ones with business potential and the rest of it get funding, it's a tricky one
Sian: I wonder if we should make a set of Qs to ask people like a questionnaire then we could email it out to people as well? Or if we should just keep it like a conversation?
Andie: i think it would be good to make a questionnaire
Liz: maybe we can talk to these contacts and ask them about what questions they think are relevant to understanding them and hoe=w they operate
Andie: shall we each think of questions and post them?
yea that's true we dont want our questions to pre-empt thier answers
Sian: Also i reckon its good to tempt people when you are asking htem to do something. I am thinking baking and cups of tea / coffee? Perhaps we could organise a meeting with all these groups and they could do questionnaire, eat drink adn mee teach other all at the same time?
Liz:do you think jessie would be into that too cause the other thing is are we open to more collabrators?
I am remembering that we said no and now we are saying yes
Andie: yea i guess it depends, i can see you guys organising meetings with groups in wellington, but what about mel on her own in new plymouth? and me in melb? it might be good to be open to more collaborators to help even with facilitation
got to go in a few mins [frown]
i'll print this off and get jessie to have a read
i think maybe before when we were not so open to new collaborators our circumstances were different
Sian: Sweet good to talk with you x we miss you x will set upa post for questionnaire suggestions and ideas for groups to talk to x after talking with Mel on phones lets leave the proposal for this time and get ourselves more all sorted up adn out.
Andie: sounds good!!!
miss all and everyone of you
Liz: you too sweet ness!!!!
Andie: blog soon
x byeee x
Liz: byeeee

We were talking to mel in another pop up window and were pasting our conversation with Andie into Mels window:

Melanie: hhhhhhiiiiii
Melanie: hey there, you guys are brill - thanks for all ya hard work and thinking and planning.. I miss you and being around. maybe we could try a meeting when I am in Welli in April? Till then bye bye and I will try to think some thoughts on collaborative pl.ans xx
Liz: hey mel if youre still there can you tell us when the sustainability conference that clubs is running is??
Melanie: actually it's really cool that you pop up as 'the'
sorry i have no idea!!! perhaps enjoy knows? is there a new manager at enjoy yet or does paula know?
Liz: paula not here, i thought we were going to do it independently through you?
Melanie: oh yes i'd better get in touch with them then
i think we left it with both them and us keen but no official dates etc
Liz: yea, i think it would be good if you could keep that dialogue going with them and be the organiser of the project? what do you think about that - interested? or another way better?
Melanie: this should be fine... need to get my head around living at the edge of the world but otherwise cool. will email all on weekend
Liz: yes indeeed we appreciate your awayness! not to say you got all responsibility but i rekon it will keep you engaged if you have function
Melanie: yes very good plan. firm promise to be onto it. over and out. go team tac!
Liz: look forward to more contact and esp the visit - we signing off now too xxxxxx
Melanie: nighty night!

Paula Booker said...

hey guys just caught up on the chat...thanks for blogging and emailing it liz.
it was abit frustrating not being part of the conversation last night....we'll get it sorted better I'm sure!

I wasn't very happy that Sian and Liz decided to chat as " The Association of Collaboration" and not open up their own google chat accounts. I felt it was owning the collective TAC voice which i am very wary of. I did bring up my concern last night too. I have since spoken to liz and now understand that was merely out of convienience but I'd like us all to keep the well being of our collaboration and its egalatarian nature in mind, even when experimenting with new technology.

having not posted any ideas or feedback on the Next Wave propsal and ideas i can now confirm that it was too much for me to compute!
So I am glad that he NW proposal has stalled for some further discussion. It is exciting to get involved in these projects but they require a lot of enery and i would like a to see a real debate about whether a specifically youth-focused, themed group exhibition is the best format for us. I personally think that we'd do better getting involved in the 'sustainable practice' exhibition that CLUBS are organising - tho this might not work with our time frame.
the SP forum/exhibition could be interesting as it might actually have some in depth discussion and investigation into the kind of collaborative practices that we (TAC) purport to investigate.

i also think we should establish some ideas about what TAC is about, what we are (as andie tried to do on her NW post)
Doing this, reassesing in the face of our now diasporic nature, might help us to understand were the group thinks our direction and energy should go.

Sorry i haven't posted for a while, i 've had nospace-headspace. i still read the blog every day and i'm glad to see the debates are alive and well.
i miss you andie, tom and mel!
(and the no shit and well-rounded humanist understanding of ms alex bishop)
the group dynamic is certainly changed but the wellington crew are still rockin.

Anonymous said...

Dear TAC
Its amazing to read your processes and how you facilitate discussions.
It's very egalitarian. I am over my mad NW fever, and I hope I didn't frighten thee all with my fervent notions. This pony did need to be holstered. Just by default Andy and I talk, which I imagine is nice for her as she is separated from the TAC mothership, and I like this semi-support role. I met Spiros Panigirakis from clubs the other day as he has made work for our Shrine on Show. His work -true to the practice of clubs- involves the audience being able to retrieve information from his allocated 'window' display. Anyway, can i sit on the back-burner and tentatively await further possibilties. In slow pony mode? practise my critical and collective skills? Liz? liz? Liz? Paula? Paula, Liz?

Liz said...

Hey! I sure am glad that the collaborative fervour hasn't put you off your pony! It's great to hear that you and Andie have a default setting thing going on and I, for one, hope you'll stick around and keep on co-n-tributing your co-llective and cri-tikle skills as and when you feel moved to do so.
I am intrigued as to how Spiros' audience retrieved said info from said work, is there a place to visit for documentation?
Jessie, Jess, Andie, Jessica andie jess!!!