Sunday, March 25, 2007


Dear TAC.

I am the person in question, the subtext in Andy’s post regarding Next Wave festival 2008 in Melbourne, later revealed by Paula as Jessie (Borrelle). I guess they can vouch for me. I am part of a unit-type-thing Poloni & Borrelle in Melbourne, a curatorial collaboration currently working on a show called ‘Shrine on! You crazy diamond’. It’s a group show at the Platform Group in the city of Melbourne that invited artist to make a shrine around the idea of 'Unusual wealth in unusual places'. Poloni & Borrelle also wrangled a proposal for NW that will offer a tea service and conversation to audiences at NW. It’s quite a kitsch enterprise that may operate using anachronistic and gendered performances (i.e. we shall dress like 1950’s air hostesses). So methinks it is different to TAC in that it isn’t especially analytical or critical necessary so

Andy and I talked about how it would be interesting to make a kind of switchboard for NZ & OZ artists/writers/curators, as I (as Liz did say!) have a wee crush on Romance formats and I have been vaguely harbouring an Art Dating Service of sorts idea for a while. But don’t get me wrong, the idea is not an in-house hook up for artists, not real saucy dates (unless that’s part of your practice) but a project that uses the format of a dating service.

I like Andies mention of an approachable booth with files, and the person manning the booth acting as an intermediary by having a system that allows Oz Artists (etc) to show interest in extant NZ artists using a dating device such as an E-card or something? As Andy said this could then use internet without overwhelming the material interface, and references the Closer Together theme -quite bang on.

I can be pretty sloppy and tacky when it comes to art so I’d be careful about having me in a reputable group like TAC. Also I get quite busy so may not be able to pow-wow online etc post and what-not that often, but really - I’d love to be part of the Diaspora and see what happens to this switchboard idea in a collaborative process.


Tom said...

hi jessie,
thanks for your post! it sounds like you would be a great potential collaborator for tac, especially if you describe yourself as being a little 'tacky' when it comes to art (peeheehee)...
i think the idea of linking up potentially artists/curators/writers is a great one, and it would be so awesome to have two people to faciliate things on the other side of the tasman.

should we start talking to some people over here to see if people in general think that it would be a good idea/be interested in taking part?

Paula Booker said...

hey guys check out this article i just saw in the big idea, titled 'speed dating for artists'
he he

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Liz said...

Whoa Horsey!!!

I know there is a time pressure for the submission of this Next Wave proposal but I think we still need to be in moot mode with our ideas here -

So the project that you (Andie, Mel, Jessie) are proposing/talking about is to organise professional networking opportunities between New Zealand and Australian artists and NZ and Aussie curators where The Association would act as facilitators/brokers. And that the reach of the project stops at the point where the artist/curator match has been made.
I think I want to hear more articulated about the ideas motivating the project, what are the areas of interest that we would be exploring in this project?
What is it about the possibility of making these matches that gets you guys going?
I am a bit concerned that as it stands, and I know its only in germination, that this project wouldn't be providing or testing any alternative models than those that already exist in other contexts (e.g. the link to Southland Art marketing idea in P's post).
I think we have to be true to our organising principle of investigating and challenging collaborative models - I want to keep the focus of developing our resource kit - and can see the merits of trying to develop a project which would provide some research/material/findings for this (as Tom mentioned earlier).
Also - globalisation? this is the curatorial thematic right, are we excited about this?
Also - considering our communication with each other is a slow process at the moment, can we develop and materialise and operate a whizz banger of a work between now (while we are still running the CAMRU) and before taking up the CLUBS opportunity?

I hope reading this hasn't come over like a big bucket of cold water!
I am keen for an online meeting this week - lets try to get everyone together so we can work this stuff oooouuuuutttttt!

Andrea said...

okay so we definitely need to have an online chat to sort this out, can everyone list their availability?

...I can make it to an internet virtual meeting on weds anytime BEFORE 6pm NZ time, or AFTER 9.30pm nz time. On thurs I'm unavailable until 7.30pm nz time. NW application is due friday, i think having a meeting on friday would be cutting time too short. ai ai ai collaborative proposal making under pressure, what we gon' do? xxA

Andrea said...

Hey guys I'm very conscious of this NW deadline and well, and it seems we're all pretty busy at the moment. Do you think maybe we should flag putting a proposal in for next wave, and concentrate on working with CLUBS instead?

Liz said...

I can do chat on thursday at 7.30 onwards

Sian said...

I am available for online chat from 8.30pm onwards tonight Thursday.

I agree with Liz on the need to work out why we are thinking about doing this hook up thing. And how it would benerfit the Association? I mean we are interested in what happens when people collaborate, adn if we just leave the project where people hook up then we are losing out on all the info on how it went?

I am also concerned as usual about the elite nature of us hooking up artists curators etc with same in OZ. Just feels a little like of course we will all ask the people we know and it stays a kinda closed circle. What I really like about CAMRU is that it has opened the floor to all who come to the gallery, regardless of CV or experience. I liked that about the Dear Melbourne project too, which was open to whoever walked up teh stairs at Enjoy. Of course that is still a select group, but still more open to chance and randomness.

That's why I thought it could be good to just throw it open and make people write their own date advert as it were.

I am generally not excited about globalisation at all. Sorry I know it's all very current blah but I am more interested in the specific adn I feel like collaboration happens in relatively small groups. As evidenced by our own struggles in communication, the idea of making shows happen all round the world etc is all great but the logistics are hard. I am much more interested in the dynamics and projects with small groups.
I just can't help feeling like so much gets lost with globalisation. The world is fast to fly around but not to experience first hand.
And same with internet. It's easy to look up whatever online but it is nothing ocmpared to going to see that work / gallery / person.
Sorry just my personal take!

In terms of the resource kit, I think perhaps we should bring focus back onto that, like start looking at some alternative models. There are plenty of groups which we could talk to / interview / find out stuff from. Also that would be an easy thing for us all to do individually and then report back on. I like the idea of getting info and feedback from other groups; widening it from the art context. I also feel like this would feed us in terms of bringing more models and ideas back into TAC to aid us with how we want to move forward. It feels like we are a little dry in terms of what basis we should move forward, and I feel like that is because we need to regroud ourselves in ideas and frameworks about collaboration.

Ideas of who we could talk to;

Women's refuge

Rape crisis

Some bands

Gallery boards / committees

Anarchist groups

Quaker groups

Read Nelson Mandela's Autobiography; his ideas about government are all about consensus

Go listen to parliament for an afternoon or hour. Check out how combative the discussion are.

In terms of Clubs; I have lost track. Where are we and what is the idea / time frame?

This New Wave thing is feeling very soon.........and not ready in terms of doing a great proposal!

Anyhow hopefully catch up tonight online guys!


Melanie Oliver said...

Hi everyone,

I'm a little early online (or are we doing this through gmail?) but I'm only just catching up on what everyone thinks... I do miss cups of tea and face to face chat.

From my experience last year, the next wave deadline is not strictly followed and we don't have to declare what our project will be exactly, just that we are interested and our activities so far indicate that we might be good to include.

I agree with Liz, I think we have a lot of talking, thinking and researching to do before just forging ahead with a project. But Next Wave isn't until next year so lets apply.

I'm interested to see how our online chat will work!!!