Monday, July 16, 2007

Banking Scenario

Liz and Paula
new post
subject: Banking
(this post is a parody based on well-established patterns)

Hi every one how’s it going?
We’ve got a couple of cheque payments made out to TAC for the pencils; one from the Govett Brewster for $149.62, and one from City Gallery for $134.00. We also need to send in another invoice to City Gallery for the last 27 pencils that were sold and pay Alex and the rest of us back for outstanding trolley resource purchases.
So we need an account to deposit these cheques into. What shall we do? Shall we set up a joint account with all 6 of us as signatories. who want to do that? or should one of us set up an account under TAC name and deal with all transactions in a transparent manner?

Andie writes
I support that, sounds like a great idea!

Sian writes
its awesome that were going to have money in hte bank! Rolling init!!
Htet joint account sounds good if u want somoene to come to that bank I can, as one of hte remaining wellington cru

No further replies

Liz writes
Ok, well we seem to be a little slow responding on this one, do i need to do another text around? Maybe you need personal email correspondence?
We do need consensus to move forward!!!

Paula writes
I want to get this money in the bank so that we can pay our bills etc.
I am happy to set up an account and have all the statements mailed to tac offices.
I am with kiwibank so the accounts are free and statments are online (emailable)
So it doesn’t matter if the money just sits there, as there is no cost. Transparent.
So anyway.....
The lack of communication with Tac is really frustrating.
This kind follows on from my last post, entitled ‘where is the association at?’
To which there was only one reply. (thanks andie!)
Who is in this collaboration anyway?


Andrea said...

i vote for kiwibank too

Liz said...

or maybe more of a brain spasm ...

we have got a problem with, ah - online attendence -(?), which is getting me DOWN ...

It's annoying that small admin decisions can't move forward, like a predatory mosquito in the bedroom at night annoying

how about we allocate a reasonable amout of time (say a week) for everyone to give feedback on admin decisions, and once time's up then we go ahead with the decision arrived at by whoever has been involved. Non involvement would then mean agreement ...

we could give this method a month long trial and then review it ... ?

Andrea said...

i second that! thanks for your comments Liz, I think allowing a week for everyone in the group to check the blog is fair enough. I check the blog everytime I check my emails but lately it's just felt like a bad habit. Okay so a week starting from the date an admin related issue is first posted. Do we need group consensus on this new rule of sorts or if nobody replies to this then are we in agreement?!

Paula Booker said...

i'm in!
regarding this new are we meant to get consensus?
by hassling?
that is no collaboration!
so that is why i endorse the week descision period and the month trial.
lets go forward!

Melanie Oliver said...

Dear All,

I'm one of the non-responders currently and just trying to catch up which is quite confusing so firstly my apologies for tardiness and then also if this is irrelevant because it has moved to a new thread or it's past the week deadline etc...

I understand this frustration with non-response on the blog but I'm not sure that just going ahead with whoever has commented is the best solution - I think that the format of this blog is a little difficult to follow at times and this contributes to a lack of structure for TAC discussions, but also I don't have a better solution so okay I should just learn to deal with it.

I think that TAC should follow established group protocols with regards to financial matters - let's learn from other people's experiences. Which means that the money should go in to an account with more than one name attached to it... and so practically speaking yes let's go ahead with kiwibank (hoorah!!!) and having this linked to Paula for no fees is great but it should also be a new dual account maybe with Sian since she is Wellington based???

I am also very pro having a treasurer and it's super that Tom has offered (this is in another blog thread somewhere? not sure why it's dislocated from discussions about the bank accounts? Actually... at this point I realise I am completely lost and rambling and that it doesn't really matter what I write because the decision has perhaps already been made???) but then if Tom is the treasurer does she also need direct access to the accounts???

On the other hand, this is a collective rather than a trust or official body and you are all trustworthy people - and I think sometimes small decisions can just be made. Like when I made an invoice for GBAG... it just wasn't necessary to discuss this so I went ahead and did it..

okay, will now skip over and try to find the other topics...

Liz said...

Great to hear from you mel and good points raised there.
Bank Account:
If say, Paula and Sian set up a new account then Tom would most likely be able to access it from the web with a password so that would probably solve any issues - Sian? are you comfortable with that?
Tom is looking like the popular apointee - Sian agrees?
1 week duration for admin decions:
This is proposed for small admin decisions only, and with a trial period and review. I imagine it would be used for small decisions which need to be made on behalf of TAC that people would like input into and isn't necessary for ordinary things which need to happen like making out invoices.
The good thing from my perspective as a regular blogger, administrator and suggestor of initiatives, is that the responsibility for less frequent participators being involved in these decisions lies with them - and I am not put in the position of having to hassle anyone to get things moving forward. This avoids some frustrations over small things. It also means that decisions are still made transparently, with process.
We have all been excercising good common sense about what needs to be discussed and what doesn't. The crux of the proposal is the suggestion that we find ways to manage different levels of participation that is fair and advantageous for everyone. If put like that do you think it's a good idea? - Mel, Sian, Tom?
the blog is hard to follow
totally! esp if you are trying to read a whole lot of threads at a time. Any suggestions for managing the threads better anyone?

Sian said...

Hi just checked back in with the blog and noticed that apparently i commented on this post ....except I didn't. Not sure how someone else could have signed in as me but they have. The comment is the one about going to the bank with all of the spelling mistakes.Any ideas?!

Sian said...

Bank account with two names sounds good. Happy to be on account. From experience at Pablos where someone did us over for $50 000 two people signing cheques is a good idea.

Happy for Tom to be tresurer.

Catching up with rest of blog.


Sian said...

Oh, and no idea how to make the blog easier!

I know for me I find internet stuff pretty boring and found I had infinitely more energy for the whole project when we were meeting up. Diaspora a problem for meeting up of course.

But will get it together and get involved more.