Thursday, June 28, 2007

Where is the Association At?

I really appreciate Andie's efforts over the last few months to make projects happen.
While I have followed her comments and contributions closely I only posted my first feedback comment today.

This made me realise that it is really hard to gauge the participation of various TAC members, especially as we have become a diaspora.
While this spreading can be positive in terms of new opportunities, contexts and associations for potential TAC projects, I think we need to collectivly ascertain a common communication or gathering method. I think we should also review our personnel situation, as suggested by Sian and Liz over the last few months. Is a head count needed?
It is certainly hard to grow legs on Andie's project or any other new initiative at the moment.
This stalling need not coninue if willing TAcers communicate and new members are allowed to be brought in.
hugs from Kassel,


Andrea said...

Hey thanks Liz and Paula for your comments. I'm now co-curating this show and here's the bio we've sent through to the gallery coordinators rhough I dont think it's online yet:

curated by Angela Bailey and Andrea Bell
2-12 October
George Paton Gallery

Two-fold gathers together contemporary curatorship and
artistic practices among a group of University of
Melbourne Masters of Art Curatorship students. This
collaborative exhibition project will consider the
impact of theory influencing the various facets of art

opening - wed 3 oct 5-7pm
artist/curator talk - tues 9 oct 1-2pm

I havent yet met the other artists, so as to as to how 'collaborative' this exhibition may be- only time will tell. I expect to start meeting each of them individually from the end of this week so I'll let you know more about the context of the show then etc

let me know if you have any questions or suggestions, it would be great if we could work on some kind of kit together.

And certainly i agree that we should be open to new members, i guess we need to figure out where we want to go from here?

VB and vegemite,

Tom said...

hey guys

sorry for poor lack of response recently. this has been for a number of kind of personal reasons, and also i was overseas - although that's really no excuse.
anyhoo, im back in chch now and more organised so ready to contribute and engage much more.
regarding money - i think it would be best to just set up one TAC bank account which one person can use transparently. maybe we should appoint one person as Treasurer?? im happy to do that if need be. treasurer in conversation with other members of course....

Paula Booker said...

hi tom,
welcome back!
i really like the idea of having a treasurer, TAC could be so much more like an association of members with a treasurer.
i guess the next question is, who will be secretary?

Liz said...

A treasurer is a great idea Tom - I would be happy for you to be our cash curator - I vote kiwi bank too...

And And-ie, are you able to elaborate on the curatorial outline for two-fold a little more this week?

How do you see a collaborative aspect functioning in the show?

And how does the 'impact of theory influencing various facets of art practice' tie in?

I guess these are broad thematics to keep things loose but is there something in particular driving the impact of theory angle?

Yes, I am keen for new members also - it makes sense to me to stick with the open call format. The first open call was located at Enjoy, via posters and through their email database for participation in a particular project (you remember I'm sure). Is this still a relevant format? Or are there better ways now?

Andrea said...

i agree it's time for new members but what happens after we do the open call? i guess if people are wellington-based there could be a meeting of sorts, but how about the potential folk in new plymouth, christchurch or melbourne?( or anywhere else in the world for that matter!)
do we want to nominate potential candidates from our own networks (before doing an open-call) or is that too exclusive?

Liz said...

good q's
we could start by deciding how many people we need: the energy seems to be heaps better when we can interact with people in person.
Maybe everyone could decide how many people they think is best to work in their respective places and we could go from there, figuring out what is manageable in total.
I think in that respect, we could decide for ourselves how we are most comfortable gathering new people. It was easy to make an open call when there was a gallery go through and meet in but it would be different in a different context.
Andie, two fold will be a good opportunity to introduce TAC to Melbourne people and something could quite naturally happen from there.
mm i think thats me for the night! Ive commented in the other posts too and am feeling hunger pains shouting at me!