Monday, April 21, 2008

100 posts!

I want one of these!!
That last post brought our tally up to 100 and what with a wellington association meeting planned for later this week I thought a celebration was in order. Here's an image I came across on the web which tickled my collaborative imagining fancy. It's the work of a Melbourne based collab. duo by the name of A Constructed World and the image caption runs as:
Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities, Foundation Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Turin


Andrea said...

Great pic liz!what is it about circles of chairs? I think Geoff and Jacqui are in Turin at the moment so we probably couldnt meet up with them while you're over but could be worth getting in touch none-the less.
heres a link to a preview on the group group show curated by Damp at VCA, I havent been able to find any critical reviews yet

Tom said...

happy 100 birthday TAC blog :)

Liz said...

yay, yeah, I couldn't find any written response online on the group group show either. Pity, That's why there needs to be a 'dedicated to collaboration' presence to circulate this stuff. It's strange that although there is so much interest collab art making in Melbs the interest doesn't seem to be continued into a written reception of it - does that say something about how much of the energy produced in the group making process is actually conveyed through the work to enthuse the audience?
We might just have to lean on you Andie to become a Melbourne investigative reporter for the collab cause . . .