Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Handing Over the Responses to City Gall

yo, how's the collab group hanging??
we're giving the little colourful notes to sarah farrah, so she and her helpers can put them in the back pockets of the prospect catalog, as we discussed as a group a wee while ago.
we have only selected responses that related to the Prosect show (in any way) poetic, negative, illustrations, praise, the lot!! we thought that this would be an alright way of selecting the ones to document, and we have kept all the scores of other ones too.
i'll be sad to see some of them go, but they have all had the opportunity to be seen on the trolley or the wall or written about or collated. we have also scanned or photgraphed them all for CAMRU records before sending then to sarah.
liz and i just spent a wee while collating the responses that were still in wellington, many had just come off the trolley in the last few weeks.

can mel and tom please bring to wellington the ones tht they have been sent? we can give those ones striaght to sarrah as they've already been photographed.

word, p


Andrea said...

want me to post my post-it notes back too?

Liz said...

That would be great! Then they can all be dealt with, documented, distributed &/or stored back on CAMRU till end of Prospect. Ta

Tom said...

hey, sorry, i didn't bring my responses up with me to welly - but i'll post them up asap for photographing etc